What files can I use?
Corel Draw
If you have a logo and can not vectorize it you can go to artworksource.com they will vectorize it for you.
Save as actual print size.
Allow a 1 inch margin all the way around the sign. convert all fonts to outlines or curves.
Embed all files, no linked images. Please group everything before sendiing your file to us.
pirit Marketing, LLC.
ign Shop 918-855-4770
Large sign 18X24 Image should be 16x22
Small sign 12X18 Image should be 10x16
We can also make signs other sizes such as
9x24, 6x18. Lets us know what you need.
Please double check your size, alignment & centering before you send your artwork.
If you are not sure of something please don't hesitate to call or e-mail us. We are always ready to assist you.
* We only use the files listed to the left to create your signs. jpeg files are only usable as proofs. You will be charged extra artwork fees and it will slow down your production time if you send jpeg files for us to create your signs with. We do ask you to send one jpeg file as a proof in case anything decides to shift coming from your program to mine.
Simplify your artwork:
No masks.
It is best not to use outlines, if you do please convert all strokes to paths.
Color trap all overlapping dark colors over light colors to about 1/16 of an inch.
When creating a reverse image or similar artwork please compound the artwork so it is one piece.
Do not put text or images onto background without combining them.
If your images are combined correctly you should be able to put a box behind your artwork and see straight through it.
There must be at least a 1 inch border around all 4 sides. When you are done with your artwork you should be able to select your artwork and it should be the following dimensions.